As a graduate student Ms. Jansen challenged and explored the boundaries of photography. She developed a cyanotype formula to work with cloth and created three dimensional photographic images which culminated in "The Blue Room", a scale to life cloth photographic environment (permanent collection, Michner Museum). As digital photography progressed Ms. Jansen adapted it's use to her work via the color copier, beginning with the "Soft Bathroom" (permanent collection, High Museum of Art, Honolulu Hawaii). This work culminated in the "Soft House Project" which included five scale to life rooms (video of the project, permanent collection, Center for Creative Photography, Tuscan Arizona). "The Blue Room" was the first time that photography had been used in scale to life three dimensional formats as well as the first use of the figure in a life sized photogram. Ms. Jansen was one of the first to use digital photography in fine art.